To be honest, I did not know what to make of this. I am a person who has been very resistant to therapy. All my life I was told that I need help but I thought of it as a very negative thing. I thought that if I went to therapy it was admitting to myself that there is something wrong with me. My wife, who also went through this with Pedro, had encouraged me to see him. Of course, I did not want to. However there were things going on in my life that forced me to seek help. It affected how I was thinking, how I was working, and how I was affecting my kids. If it was not for my two daughters, I would have never sought help. That was the first step and I did not realize it.
I went the traditional route of finding a therapist that specifically dealt with trauma. And I found one who understood what I was going through. It was as if she was saying what I was thinking. It was a great session and I planned on going to see her each week. However my wife again encouraged me to see Pedro. She explained that Pedro will help with the immediate trauma and also the trauma that I have been holding in for 30 plus years. At this point I was open and ready to seek any help that would get me through so I can go back to work and provide for my family.
When I initially spoke to Pedro and he explained how this works, I admit that I was skeptical. However as we continued to talk, Pedro realized that I was ready for this type of help. As I spoke to him, I bared myself and he told me to come in and see him the next day. So I did.
So I went the next day and what transpired during this all day session was nothing short of a miracle for me. Not only was I able to deal with my current trauma but it also allowed me to forgive myself and let go of the anger that I held inside me. This anger, without even realizing it, permeated from me. I’ve been saying I‘m fine for so long that I did not realize this anger was blocking me from experiencing life, my wife, my kids, my work and my every day interactions. The greatest gift that was given to me was being able to make peace with this anger and letting go. I look at things very differently now. It’s hard to explain but it really is like looking at everyone and your problems from a different perspective. I know there is more work on myself to be done. But what Pedro allowed me to do was forgive myself and realizing that the answers was in me. I’ve blocked that for so long and Pedro helped me. I look at my wife with more love than I ever felt. I look at my kids and feel more of their pain when they are crying and in doing so understanding what they are really crying about. I look at my job in a way where I can empathize and understand why people are difficult to work with.
My wife and I are planning to see Pedro together as a couple. I am not planning to go back to that therapist, but she probably helped me go to Pedro.
>Angelo B. - Connecticut
My session with Pedro was absolutely what I needed without even realizing how much I needed it. I am so blessed to have been able to share this life changing session with Pedro and have him guide me with his skills, knowledge and experience of past and present lives. First and foremost, the physical healing that I received has definitely changed my life. It's mind blowing and something I really wasn't totally expecting. Although I was open to any healing, emotionally and physically that I might receive, I couldn't imagine the extent to which it happened. I have been so full of arthritis and joint pains for so many years now. There are so many things that I have not been able to do because of the pain I've experienced for a good part of my life. Well, that pain is now all gone since my healing started occurring during my session with Pedro. I would never have thought that this was possible. But when you trust someone fully as I did Pedro, and they have the skills and knowledge to be able to help make this happen, great things can happen as they did for me.
Pedro was also able to help guide me into my subconscious mind and reveal past fears and trauma that I experienced. I was able to release all of the fear and pain and can now look at life with more excitement and energy than I have in years. I now have a deeper connection to my higher self and I will be able to tap into that on an ongoing basis whenever I need to. Pedro has reached out to me a couple of times already since we had our session to check in to see how I was integrating and doing.
If this is something that you might be interested in because it simply doesn't feel like you're living your best life, and you're ready to flourish and make some positive changes in your life, then Pedro is definitely somebody that you can trust to help you get there. He's a very gentle, loving, caring, knowledgeable man. It's very easy to open up and share all of your deepest thoughts and experiences with him, knowing that there will be no judgment. This experience has inspired me and I know that it will influence all of my choices and behaviors in the future.
Thank you, thank you Pedro. God Bless You.
> Joy D. - Vermont
Pedro is phenomenal. He guided me through my first QHHT session with grace and expertise. A few moments into our Discovery Call, we made an instant connection. He explained QHHT and answered all of my questions. He followed up with an email with written explanations and the prompts for writing the questions I had for my Higher Self and to set my Intentions. Prior to the hypnotic portion of the session he processed and explored the questions I had for my Higher Self at length; meeting me with a gentle balance of knowing and curiosity. Pedro was incredibly compassionate and patient evoking a sense of comfort and safety that allowed me to go deeper with my questions and have a clearer understanding as to why I was seeking these particular answers.
Pedro prepared me for the hypnotic portion of QHHT AND past life, checking my level of physical and emotional comfort to ensure the best possible outcome. With his soothing voice that held compassion and confidence I was easily able to reach the intended trance state. Where I was expertly and gently guided to places in my mind that I had never previously reached.
The entire experience has positively impacted my life, expectations of myself and brought tremendous clarity, all of which have inspired and influenced behaviors and choices that better align with my goals and intentions. The experience continues to compound as glimpses of the journey come to my conscious mind.
Pedro provided me with a recording of the session which is quite helpful as I return to it to find nuggets of information that I didn’t previously process or take in. There is so much!!
Pedro continues, months later to check in and insure that I receive the maximum benefit during my integration process.
If you are considering exploring QHHT. - DO IT! And I highly recommend doing so with Pedro.
>Michelle P. - Vermont
This was a unique opportunity for self-knowledge and higher spiritual connection in the search for answers to my doubts and personal blocks.
Guided by my friend Pedro Mejía, I managed to experience the important moments that mark my current life experience and my past. Reflecting on the magical and spiritual journey, they give me the answers one by one of what I must understand and do to achieve my purpose in the happiest way on my current path.
Focused on the necessary points, it is possible to develop one's own spiritual connection and with the universe, achieving self-help and helping our loved ones in connection.
The moral weight, emptiness, existential uncertainty, fear, anxiety and other feelings that overshadow and block us find their origin and solution.
It is a rebirth towards a more conscious and happy life. Just one day and I recognize the strengthening in all aspects: physical, mental and spiritual.
Thanks to life and Pedro Mejía for that gift that fills me with faith, hope, strength and more love for all of you.
Esta fué una oportunidad única de autoconocimiento y de conexión espiritual superior en la búsqueda de respuestas a mis dudas y bloqueos personales.
Guiada por mi amigo Pedro Mejía logré vivir los momentos importantes que marcan mi experiencia de vida actual y de mi pasado. Reflexionando en el recorrido mágico y espiritual me dan las respuestas una a una de lo que debo entender y realizar para lograr mi propósito de la manera más feliz en mi camino actual.
Enfocados en los puntos necesarios se logra desarrollar la conexión espiritual propia y con el universo, logrando la autoayuda y ayuda a nuestros seres queridos en conexión.
El peso moral, el vacío, la incertidumbre existencial, el miedo, la ansiedad y otros sentimientos que nos opacan y bloquean encuentran su origen y solución.
Es un renacer hacia una vida más consiente y feliz. Apenas un día y reconozco el fortalecimiento en todos los aspectos: físico, mental y espiritual.
Gracias a la vida y a Pedro Mejía por ese regalo que me llena de fe, esperanza, fuerza y de más amor para todos ustedes.
>Andrea P. - Colombia
I had an amazing, life shifting QHHT session with Pedro, who made me feel supported throughout the unfamiliar process. I’d never tried hypnotherapy or past life regression before, so was a bit anxious, but sharing my life story and current struggles with Pedro prior to the session made me feel fully seen and safe.
During the session, I was able to go into my subconscious and uncover past trauma, anger and guilt that I was not even fully aware of. Pedro guided me to forgive myself and let go of the feelings that no longer serve me, and in doing so, to clear the way for all the abundance that life has to offer. While there is no magic quick fix to healing and growth — it truly is a lifelong process — the session helped me uncover answers to many big questions in my life, and to see things from a new, beautiful perspective. I left the session with a deep connection to my Higher Self, which I can still tap into on an ongoing basis whenever new questions arise. I now have a newfound comfort in deeply knowing my path and purpose in life, and a sense of empowerment to continue breaking old patterns and limiting beliefs so I can create the life I dream of.
After the session, Pedro followed up with me multiple times to check in on how I was feeling and integrating. I’m beyond grateful that my path crossed with Pedro, and that I had this incredible opportunity to pause and reflect on where I’ve been (over lifetimes), and recalibrate for who I want to become. Needless to say, I highly recommend Pedro and all that he has to offer!
>Ksenia V. - New York
This experience was transformative and enlightening in many ways in my case. It has gone beyond just that, which words cannot describe. I’ve completely changed my perspective of who I am in this life and my purpose. It provided me with comfort and solutions that I never would have thought of before; all physically, mentally, spiritually, medically, you name it and it did it. This experience has allowed me to take on challenges I would not have imagined possible before. It allowed me to take a step back to just be present, breathe, and reflect on all the good that has come and will come. The trust and comfort Pedro provided were familial. It felt just like home. I had full trust in this process and felt safe with Pedro. As time has passed by since my session I have been able to non-stop keep learning and find signs connecting with my session experience. Each occurrence has been beautifully observed, decoded, and applied in all aspects of my life. I am extremely thankful for this experience and for myself. The knowledge I have attained is priceless. My experience has not only helped me in many ways, but it has also enlightened my family into seeing things in a different light, which is a beautiful experience to witness.
>Corimar M. - New Jersey
This process has been nothing short of amazing! Pedro helped open my eyes to so many questions I've always had and find the root of so many discomforts in my life. To start, it was so warming during the deep interview session where he gets to understand me and what is going on in my life, and the amount of undivided attention he gave me during this process and understanding I acquired changed my perspective on the way I look at a lot of things in my life already! Then we went on to the other parts of the QHHT session, which was life changing. It was as if I became a new man instantly and all the questions I had, I received answers to and it all made so much sense after speaking with Pedro. This process is eye opening, and I am reaping the benefits of his session immediately. The environment that Pedro creates is relaxing, calming, and allowed me to open up more than I ever had previously. I cannot wait to continue this journey of healing myself and this is all due to the help of Pedro taking my hand during this process! Forever grateful for Pedro Mejia!
>Anthony B. - New Jersey
I have done other spiritual sessions but nothing compares to this QHHT session I had with Pedro! This session helped me pull out some deep rooted emotions that I didn’t realize was blocking me from receiving love. During this process, Pedro made me feel so comfortable and safe to express my emotions. During the hypnosis Pedro’s soft and kind demeanor was so easy for me to relax and sink into my subconscious. At first, when I was seeing my past lives I couldn’t understand what I was really seeing and why. Then when we went over the reason why I saw those moments in my lives it all made sense, and gave me insight to what advice I needed to move forward. This was a REALLY cool experience! When it was time to ask my higher self to heal certain areas in my body that’s when I experienced tingling, like electricity, in those areas. I’m amazed at how easy it is to heal our own body. I highly recommend Pedro and this incredible experience! I give this a 5 out of 5 star experience!
> Abbey M. - Vermont
As a fellow QHHT practitioner who has experienced a QHHT session conducted by Pedro, I can say both from a level of expertise and from a level of experience that Pedro is a highly qualified and skilled QHHT practitioner. He was remarkably patient with me and understanding during our pre-hypnosis talk (interview), and very thorough during the hypnosis session. He is very personable, and relatable. I felt very comfortable with him before, during, and after hypnosis. He has genuine sincerity, and I can feel on a deep soul level that he genuinely cared about my well being and helping me, just as he does for every single one of his clients. He was very skilled at navigating me through the experience and bringing forth my higher consciousness to get all the questions I needed answered.
After the session and after listening to my recording, I feel a lot more clarity in my life, I feel lighter in my soul and in my mind. It has greatly reduced my internal struggles and anxieties and is helping me move forward in the freedom with a lightness of being.
> Sara M. - New Jersey
I was fortunate to have a session with Pedro to better understand myself and why I exist in this time and place under the current circumstances of my life. I would say that this is more of a soul-searching exercise requiring communication to one's Higher Self that comes from God (the Supreme Source of life in all His creations). The soul is the blueprint or DNA of our being. While our body dies, the soul continues to live in multiple lifetimes from generation to generation. Each soul has a Higher Self who is all knowing. If you believe in this, you will be able to help yourself define what your purpose is in life because you will understand why you are in your current situation, whether it is good or bad.
Through Pedro’s guided meditative platform, i.e., Past Life Regression, he took me to various places, eras, acquaintances, and situations in my life that have connections to what my current being is. The most important thing that resulted from this session is the lesson of humility, compassion, empathy, and love. Opposite to these values are the flaws that became ingrained in my soul over time that impeded my spiritual, personal, and professional growth. I could not thank Pedro enough for the dedication that he puts on this endeavor to give anyone a chance to learn from past mistakes and move on from life’s burdens.
> Fara R. - New York
I experienced an amazing QHHT session for the first time with Pedro Mejia. It allowed me to open my eyes and reinforce my new journey down my spiritual path. It truly was beyond what I could have expected. Pedro’s calming voice not only relaxed me but put my nerves at ease. He creates a safe, private, and comfortable space that easily helps me go into a deeper state to connect with my higher self.
Prior to even the hypnosis session, he does a deep interview to get to really understand you so he can help you get the most from your session. He has incredible insight and even during the interview he has you answering questions you wanted answered by yourself. He opens many doors of awareness.
It has been several weeks and everything from the session is still revealing its effects to me. From the growth I’ve experienced in life and spiritually, the new perspective I’ve been given is nothing short of incredible. I have not even noticed it until I was speaking out loud about it and came to the realization I started to grow exponentially since my session with Pedro. Everything in my life has never been so clear and I can’t help but place the starting point with Pedro.
> Clark B. - New Jersey
Going into the session I was nervous of what I was going to find out about myself. But Pedro made the entire experience very welcoming and helped calm my nerves down so I would be able to focus and be prepared for my session. He made sure that I felt comfortable and relaxed the entire time. We began with an interview so he could learn about me on a deeper level and for me to open up completely so I could get the most out of my session. While he is interviewing you and trying to better understand you as a person, some of the questions I had were answered by just talking openly and freely to him. He really did an amazing job and making sure you come to the realization and connect the dots to answer your own questions.
He made a private, quiet, and calming environment so I would not have any distractions during the session. His calming voice helped me stay focused and relaxed the entire time. After the session was over and we talked about it, everything started to make so much sense about my past and present. I have learned so much about myself from this experience and I feel more confident in my path and what my purpose is. My eyes have been opened to be more aware of all of my experiences I go through throughout my day. He has an incredible insight and is so knowledgeable that he makes sure you truly understand all of the messages prior to leaving. I have grown so much as an individual from this session and can honestly say I am loving this spiritual path that I have taken to becoming a better me. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to experience this and with amazing guidance.
> Sierra R. - New Jersey
I recently had a QHHT session with Pedro and it was truly a transformational experience. From the moment I arrived, I felt a sense of calm and tranquility wash over me. Pedro has a warm and welcoming presence, and he immediately put me at ease.
During the session, Pedro guided me through a series of hypnotic inductions and visualization techniques that helped me to access a deep state of relaxation and inner peace. As I surrendered to the hypnotic state, I felt my stress and anxiety melting away, replaced by a sense of clarity and focus.
Pedro's gentle voice and soothing words helped me to let go of any negative thoughts or emotions that were holding me back, and I was able to tap into a deeper level of consciousness where I was able to connect with my true self and access my own inner wisdom and healing power.
The session was both deeply relaxing and energizing, and I left feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I highly recommend Pedro and his QHHT to anyone looking to make positive changes in their lives and tap into their own inner strength and healing potential.
>Ivana S. - Croatia
It's hard to explain what a QHHT hypnosis session is because it is a very personal and individual experience. Pedro is very warm and incredibly professional, a people person and a kind and gentle soul. I genuinely felt like he and I were meant to meet. I had no idea what to expect from a session but before anything, Pedro met with me online to understand me and what my intentions were for the session. Then you are asked to write questions before the session. When you arrive for your session, he delves deeper into the questions so that there is a clarity for the session. I genuinely felt that I could trust Pedro completely as his energy is very comforting, warm, and nonjudgmental which allows you to open up and talk about every aspect of your life.
My first session helped put pieces in place toward a deeper understanding and healing at my soul’s level. My subconscious was able to answer questions I had about my purpose in life and my future. The best thing about the session was the weeks that came after it. I received the healing I looked for and everything in my life started to align. I felt a strong connection with myself and where I was going. I feel a clarity I have never known. I feel more complete and in sync with myself than ever.
Each session is recorded, and you are asked to listen to it for three nights to allow the knowledge to continue to be integrated. I can not stress how important it is and Pedro is available to you if you have any questions or concerns. I recommend QHHT with Pedro to anyone who's interested in exploring their soul journey or looking for a healing, physical, emotional, or spiritual. So grateful for Pedro and the work he does!
> Elysa D. - Connecticut
I’m incredibly grateful for the QHHT experience I had with Pedro. I tried to arrive in a neutral state with no expectation but I had a bit of skepticism, as that is my nature. I also carried some fear as I have always suspected some of my pain comes from past lives. We began with a rather long interview, where Pedro lovingly guided me through potential issues to address during the session as well as a review of the questions I had previously submitted. My questions closely aligned with the ones Pedro suggested and I highly recommend using his as a baseline.
To begin the hypnosis, Pedro gently lulled me into a very relaxed state through words and tone. We began visualizing a happy place which morphed into an adventure through portions of nearly 10 lives, 1 of them being lived concurrently with this one.
As we toured through these images, Pedro inquired as to why I being shown each life, what the lesson was, what healing I could receive in regards to that life. We explored my current life’s purpose and why events in this life have occurred. We discovered who some of my guides are and how to best commune with them and what tools I should be using in this life to heal and thrive. The answers were astounding, providing deeper personal knowledge than any of my prepared questions could have.
Pedro lovingly and powerfully called in physical and emotional healing during the session and it was provided. It continues still, as I listen to the recording of the experience. I cannot emphasize enough the loving, healing energy of the session that is still available in the recording that Pedro provides. I continue to receive more guidance, more trauma release, more access to my higher self and guides as I listen to the recording.
I would very much l like to experience QHHT with Pedro again some day in the future and would encourage anyone who seeks some clarity of self and purpose, release of programs that no longer serve you, and emotional and physical healing to visit Pedro. I trust his loving intent and integrity completely and find his connection to the Divine undeniable.
> Erica W. - Texas
As a fellow QHHT practitioner who has experienced a QHHT session conducted by Pedro, I can say both from a level of expertise and from a level of experience that Pedro is a highly qualified and skilled QHHT practitioner. He was remarkably patient with me and understanding during our pre-hypnosis talk (interview), and very thorough during the hypnosis session. He is very personable, and relatable. I felt very comfortable with him before, during, and after hypnosis. He has genuine sincerity, and I can feel on a deep soul level that he genuinely cared about my well being and helping me, just as he does for every single one of his clients. He was very skilled at navigating me through the experience and bringing forth my higher consciousness to get all the questions I needed answered.
After the session and after listening to my recording, I feel a lot more clarity in my life, I feel lighter in my soul and in my mind. It has greatly reduced my internal struggles and anxieties and is helping me move forward in the freedom with a lightness of being.
> Sara M. - New Jersey
I am writing this about my experience with a QHHT session I received from Pedro Mejia in late October 2022. I met Pedro in Egypt in February. About six months later I was guided to ask him for an appointment. He graciously scheduled a date and time that would accommodate my travel arrangements from the Northwest to the East Coast. My only prior experience with hypnosis had been many years before to help me stop smoking, which wasn’t successful. Partly from this but also with all the excitement of the trip and my anticipation about the session, I had a fair bit of anxiety going into it, worrying whether I would be able to go deep enough to access my subconscious or higher self. During our first try, I was very tense and exhausted at the same time so we took a break. Pedro went the extra mile to make sure that our second attempt was successful! I reached parts of my consciousness that had information unavailable to me except perhaps in dreams. It actually seemed like I remembered much of the experience, but when I listened to the recording I was astounded at a lot of what had come through. I am currently following up on the suggestions I received and feel really good about where this is headed. I will be forever grateful for this experience, and I thank Pedro from the depth of my being for his kindness and generosity while gently guiding me through the experience. Love and light to you Pedro, and to Beth.
>Crystal K. - Montana
I learned about QHHT after reading “Many Lives, Many Masters”, and thought this was something that resonated with me. After chatting with with Pedro, I felt this was more than just a feeling of being drawn to the experience. The overall experience was extremely relaxing. As we went through the steps of the day nothing felt rushed, and I thoroughly enjoyed all of it. The knowledge I gained, the intense emotions I worked through, and the calm and peace after changed me. This is definitely a deep healing that I would highly recommend for individuals who are dealing with anxiety, trauma, or any emotional pain that they need help with. Pedro is very good with his clients to make sure that they understand their comfort is the highest priority, and he has/creates a great healing space for any individual. I hope to work with him again, and really feel like this was an important part of my healing. I cannot recommend Pedro enough!
> Reggie D. - New Jersey
have always lived in connect with my Higher-Self and always followed the signs that came into my life. Until 2017… I was struggling to get out of the turbulence that I had been feeling since then with the feeling of not being able to find my direction. When I was saying “ Okay, now I feel grounded again”, the feeling of missing something always haunted me. I wasn't very keen on therapy because frankly, I was believing that therapists mostly thinking as commercial not deeply.
Until I met Pedro on my trip… When he talked about his job, my inner voice said it was not a coincidence. In the session, my Higher Self was already activated with full trust. With Pedro's guidance, my Higher Self allowed me to see everything as it is. It made me realize that I've been chasing my own tail for a vicious circle and that the things I've been stuck on are only illusions. It was only at the end of the first session that I was now clearly in a deep connect with my Higher Self again. Thank you Pedro!!
>Ozlem B. - Turkey
My QHHT experience was nothing short of enlightening. I went into the experience seeking clarity and answers to understand myself and my place in the world. Pedro was a such positive and calm spirit, as soon as you walked into his home you felt the love and an instant sense of relief. During my interview he made me feel heard, safe and seen.. it was the perfect environment to speak my truth from the heart and it was such a necessary experience in order to get comfortable opening up and vocalizing myself to the fullest which made the rest of the process that much easier.
I had no idea what to expect with the PLR and talk with my higher self but I was ready for what I needed to hear in the moments to come. Pedro’s welcoming presence helped ease the transitions and helped me to relax. I received exactly what I need to see and it reflected with my current situation in life. During the talk with my higher self, the answers were either things I deep down always knew but needed confirmation on or answers that really helped guide me to my truth.
After the experience I was brought with relief. All the seeking I’ve been doing for years has been replaced with a state of calm, peace and understanding. I am opened to a new level of awareness of self and insight on the world around me. I’m aligned with myself and functioning confidently and stronger than before.
I’m so grateful and blessed to have experienced this. Thank you Pedro for the gift you brought to my life!
> Monique B. - New York
Pedro led me through my QHHT session with the utmost care and professionalism. He created and held a safe and sacred space to experience what was needed to flow through me. I experienced a PLR, connected with my HS & Guides. Received Healing & Clearing and so much more.
Pedro has a true passion and enthusiasm for facilitating QHHT. And as a practitioner he works from his heart to best serve his clients. I felt very comfortable and at ease during the whole process. I highly recommend Pedro's services if you are curious about past lives, need some answers or, wish to tap into your Higher Self for knowledge and healing.
> Anne R. - New York
After hearing a little bit about what QHHT was from a family member, I decided to reach out to Pedro to find out if this would be a helpful thing to try. I have always been interested in the "whys" of life and thought this could be a good opportunity to get some answers. What I found out was so much more than I could have imagined. Not only was the experience so eye opening, but Pedro appears to have found his calling.
He made the whole process feel so safe and comfortable that I never imagined I would explore some of the topics I did. The information he provided to me after the session and follow up on how to "listen to my higher self" afterwards has really helped me continue to take what I learned and open myself to what I want to be. I would highly recommend anyone who wants to look inward to themselves and to find out how to be their best self, to think of reaching out to Pedro for an informative session. You will be amazed finding out who you are, who you were, and who you want to be!
> Elizabeth B. - Connecticut
As a practitioner myself with deep respect for the QHHT process, I found my session with Pedro transformative in every sense. From the first moment of contact and throughout our time together, I knew I was in excellent hands and could completely let go in full trust. His ability to balance powerful insights and gentle care is such a gift. The higher self and all its gifts shine through freely thanks to his light yet profound touch. Don’t miss a chance to work with him.
> Kalliopy P. - New Jersey
This experience has definitely changed me for the best. Upon the first entrance of the home, I immediately feel safe and comfortable. Pedro's voice is very soothing and calming so it wasn’t difficult to get in a meditative state. In the conversation with my higher self, all of my questions were answered and now i have a clearer mind. After the session ended, I was extremely energized and happy. Also, Pedro's space is extremely cozy and comfortable and the perfect location to embark on your past life regression. Thank you Pedro for guiding me on my path of healing and self improvement!
>Sara H. - New Jersey
At first, before the session, I was a little skeptical, as always happens when we are faced with something we don't know. Pedro is an exceptional human being and a professional in what he does from start to finish. He made me feel very comfortable and thanks to his guidance for the first time I connected with my Higher Self and was able to put an end to some traumas that I carried with me. Without hesitation I recommend him.
Al principio, antes de la sesion estaba un poco escéptica, como sucede siempre cuando nos enfrentamos a algo que no conocemos. Pedro es un ser humano excepcional y un profesional en lo que hace de principio a fin. Me hizo sentirme muy cómoda y gracias a su guía por primera vez conecté con mi Yo Superior y pude poner punto final a unos traumas que cargaba conmigo. Sin dudarlo lo recomiendo.
>Susana G. - New Jersey
The divine found its way to connect Pedro and I. The experience was exactly what I needed on my spiritual journey. Pedro explained the steps thoroughly and provided guidance and comfort through the entire experience. I feel so enlightened and connected to my physical and spiritual self.
> Georgianna L. - Pennsylvania
Copyright © 2024 Heal Thy Self First - All Rights Reserved.
Disclaimer: The information contained on this website and the services we provide such as QHHT, Conscious Remembering, Group Past Life Regression Workshops, Intuitive Guidance, or any other form of healing or consultation services are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for qualified medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While our methods and guidance may accelerate healing, please work closely with your physician or medical caregiver to monitor your current situation and receive suitable medical advice or intervention as needed.